One of Allah's greatest gift to me was my late father-in-law, Allahyarham Alias bin Muhammad. You see, my father divorced my mother when I was 5 years old. My mother came from a super poor family while my father was from a well off descendant. So to them, my mother was not good enough for her in-laws. When I was in the primary school, my mother got married for the second time, only to be left for another woman. So, I had never known a father's love.

When I was married to my husband, I was ignorant of so many things because my purpose of living was to help my family to have at least one meal per day. I worked hard so that we had something to eat on the table at the end of each day. So, many things happened since I was not well-groomed due to poor my family background. However, my father-in-law, Ayah, could see beyond everything. He could sense my sadness, my sincerity, my fear, my hope beyond everyone else. He could feel the love I craved from my better half's family. He didn't talk much but his actions betrayed his feelings and emotions. To others, I was hard to understand but to him, he understood me without me having to say anything. He trusted me more. He, and only he accepted me for the real me, others expected me to be the person they had in mind. That is why, even after 14 years, they still could not read me.

It was him who advised me to further my study. It was him who helped me when I was really in need. He was the one who trusted me when no one else was there to listen. He was the reason I was still in the family. And because of him, I am still married to his son.

He loved and pampered and cared for my children as if they meant the whole world to him. He showered them with love and care and attention. He was there when he was really needed without asking for anything back. No strings attached. No payback. No repayment asked. No interest applied. An unconditional love.

When he passed away, my world collapsed. I was the last person with him when he was on his last breath. I had lost someone very dear to me and he has a very special place in my heart. To date, I still miss him and how I always wish I had more time with him, a real great and amazing person.

Moga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh Ayah dan Ayah tenang bersama-sama orang-orang beriman, para Sahabat dan Anbia'.


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